Business Solutions
Ao usar um serviço de reparo on-line não é uma opção, tente um desses utilitários para download:
OfficeRecovery Online Tutorial Vídeo “I'm not sure what had happened to the database, but it could not be opened. Your software did a full recovery and rebuild, and all went back to normal operation. I was impressed.” Jim K. “We had a severe crash on a SAN-disk shelf with following corruption of data. Recovery for SQL Server managed to recover the database tables in a database (it turned out that the backups were corrupt as well) but of cause a lot of the records were damaged. Still it helped us out of a possible worse situation.” Noralf G. “Our production server had a disk crash and we had backup but it was 2 days old. Thanks to Recovery for SQL Server we could restore almost everything to the time of the disk crash. We have merged the data from the backup and from the recovery database to a new fresh database so we ultimately lost just a few rows in the production database.” Martin W. |
Eu preciso de recuperação para... Use a referência do produto para localizar uma solução de reparação para o seu aplicativo de arquivos, banco de dados do servidor, ou a mídia. Restaurar o arquivo on-line instantaneamente com OfficeRecovery.
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